
Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Eight Days Later, the Liberals Learn Nothing

May 10, 2011

As a political observer, one can't help but be transfixed by the most-recent implosion of the Liberal Party. I say most recent, because the Liberals seem to fall into disaster every time they have to find a new leader. Eight days removed from an electoral drubbing, the Liberals are at it again.

With the newly-elected NDP MPs coming under scrutiny, one would think the Liberals would be salivating at the chance to get these rookies in the House and watch them face off against the experienced Tory ministers in Question Period. All the Liberals would seemingly have to do against these rookie members of the Official Opposition is put together a sentence and they would look like a coherent, credible alternative.

Instead, the Liberals are happy to hash out their leadership battles for the Canadian public to see - again - and make it as bloody as possible. Keith Beardsley has put it best, in the National Post: constitution be damned, the Liberals need a quick-fix and ignoring the document on which the party is based is the best way to do it.

Instead of working to become a force in Canadian politics the Liberals are, once again, at each other's throats. Centrist alternative be damned, Liberals have to look out for number one first: themselves.

At the end of the day, this looks better and better for the Conservatives: an inexperienced NDP opposition and a weak Liberal Party that will only get weaker as it fights yet another civil war. I like our chances come 2015...

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