
Tuesday, 14 June 2011

One Throne Speech, One Budget - and Two Strikes

June 14, 2011

Yes, it's been awhile since I've blogged. Things have been hectic!

Since I last blogged, the House of Commons has returned and the business of governing (and politicking) is in full swing. We had a Throne Speech, the March Budget redux (with the added removal of subsidies for political parties) and a vote to extend Canada's involvement in Libya.

If that isn't enough for you, Canada Post is on  psuedo-strike and Air Canada check-in agents walked out early this morning, too. With Air Canada, the government was quick to deliver an ultimatum; the company and the union now have 48 hours to reach a deal before the government will move to legislate them back to work.

Let me start with the budget: overall, not too shabby. But I have to agree with the opposition parties when it comes down to the nitty-gritty details about government cutbacks to services. We need to know where these cuts are coming from, how deep they will be and how fast they will come down.

I also have to agree that the cabinet is far too large; if you're preaching restraint, you don't go and appoint the largest cabinet in Canadian history.

A wait-and-see approach regarding budget cuts isn't good enough for me. The devil is in the details and, while I know the review is ongoing and Ministers are to report by December 31, I would hope that some kind of report comes down in regards to progress.

On the Canada Post/Air Canada front: I say we legislate them back to work ASAP. I support the right of unions to exist, but they need to realize the economic circumstances we find ourselves in don't particularly allow for huge raises and increases to benefits.

I find it particularly annoying that Canada Post employees are demanding more, when I'm sure that the volume of mail is dropping. With online banking, e-billing and other technological "wonders," I rarely get mail anymore, aside from flyers and annoying brochures from my MP to update them on the "work" they are doing in Ottawa and in the riding. I can do without both of those things.

Anyways, perhaps I'm just a curmudgeon but there is my latest post. Agree or disagree as you will, your comments are welcome.

*UPDATE - June 15*

It seems now that Canada Post has locked out all of its workers, and Minister Raitt is seriously considering legislating them back to work as well (as she should).

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